Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day and Hour

Ah Xxxx,
I was thinking about you. It is good to hear from you again.

About Matt.24:36...
 Yhwh has before His eyes, all information. Nothing is hidden from Him. 
His Wisdom is infinite.

33 O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments [are] and past tracing out his ways [are]! 34 For “who has come to know Yhwh’s mind, or who has become his counselor?” 
Job 12:13
13 With him there are wisdom and mightiness;
  He has counsel and understanding.

Why then, does he not simply take action accordingly, and bring the end based upon foreknowing who will prove faithful and who won't?
He allows for free will, and makes room for the justice, of allowing each one to prove what their own work, is. (Gal.6:3,4)
In this way, it is evident to all, the righteousness of Yhwh's judgments. No one will rightly find fault with who becomes placed upon the Kingdom thrones. Each one will bear his own error (Jer.31:30; Heb.4:13)...not in theory or in faith, but in demonstrated reality.

Yhwh also has boundless power, to perform any desired event. (Isa.46:10)...but that is not to say that this scripture must mean that He has an exact date and time for the "end", based upon chronology. How is that?

You see, the "day and hour" can also apply to a condition that will inevitably arrive.
For example, we may speak of the day and hour that a woman will give birth...perhaps making plans around that definite time. A husband may determine to be present for his wife, in that "day and hour". 
Yet this does not necessarily indicate that he is thinking of a  specific day and hour. 
He is rather, foreseeing an inevitable situation, that will arrive.

Similarly, Yhwh may know that "day and hour" also in the sense, that he knows exactly what conditions He is waiting for, which will satisfy His justice forever. That precise time that satisfies His justice, will arrive. The day and hour of the end, may be referring more to a situation, rather than an arbitrary date and time.

Yhwh knows what it will take, to bring each individual anointed one to the point where they will be faithful forever. He is keeping his eye upon each one (Psalm 32:8), knowing when they are fully prepared, refined, and ready to be subjected to the baptism of death (Rom.6:3,5). Jesus helps with this (Mal.3:2,3) Until that time, Yhwh protects these from Satan, and does not allow Satan to test them beyond what they can bear (1Cor.10:13).

In this way, Yhwh has determined the arrival of the end...based upon things only He can see and judge. When all conditions are met, and all anointed who can possibly be sealed, reach that point of unbreakable loyalty....in that "day and hour"... the end, will arrive (Eph.1:10).

This is why the battle of Armageddon occurs in the "low plain of the decision" (Joel3:12; Dan.7:9-10,13; Rev.20:12; 5:2,7; Dan.12:4,10). During this, He is judging each individual anointed one (John12:48; Rev.22:6-7). All the Nations follow in being judged (1Pet.4:17; Rev.7:3) (LINK). Once each anointed one (and the full number of them), have taken their firm stand with Christ or with Satan, that day and hour arrives (Zeph.1:14; Rev.6:9,10,11; 14:15,18).

These scriptures touch on this subject...

. 9Yhwh is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. (He is primarily speaking of the anointed.)

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exaltYOU in due time; 
 9 But take YOUR stand against him (Satan), solid in the faith, knowing that the same things in the way of sufferings are being accomplished in the entire association of YOUR brothers in the world. 10But, after YOU have suffered a little while, the God of all undeserved kindness, who called YOU to his everlasting glory in union with Christ, will himself finish YOUR training, he will make YOU firm, he will make YOU strong.  

You may notice in verse 9, that it is an "accomplishment" to suffer.
That is because,
1Pet.4: 1 Therefore since Christ suffered in the flesh, YOU too arm yourselves with the same mental disposition; because the person that has suffered in the flesh has desisted from sins"

It is this "desisting from sin" that the anointed must accomplish, as much as humanly possible.
 "YOU must accordingly be perfect, as YOUR heavenly Father is perfect." Matt.5:48; Heb.12:23; 2:10; 5:8,9
Certainly, any who attain to the glory of Christ, becoming a heir with him of Creation, must be fully tested and perfected in obedience. This learning experience requires time.

(see soon to come article, What does it mean to be "perfect"? )

When Yhwh "finishes our training", each individual anointed one, becomes sealed.
When the heart condition of all the anointed, becomes evident and manifest (as wheat or weeds), Yhwh's patience with those leaving him, will end. On the other hand, His required number of those proving refined and sealed, will reach fulfillment.
There will then be no more delay.
You see, there are more anointed invited, than there are who reach full maturity and refinement, and the approval of being sealed (Matt.22:14).
Once all those called to the full course of Christ, prove successful, we will see the demise of the "Harlot" (Rev.6:9-11; Rev.19:2) (LINK)

For those who chose untruths, and what this world and life have to offer... these will have lost out on their opportunity, once the full number have been sealed (Luke 9:24). This is where the room for free will, is manifested.

Regarding your second question...
What the basis of judgement will be for the anointed (John12:48; Matt.25:44-46), the above answer may help with that. But additionally
(in regard to the apostles doing the judging), ALL identities under Yhwh are guided by Him. Jesus did nothing of his own initiative (John8:28). He prayed fervently prior to gathering the 12 (Luke6:12). Therefore, although Jesus and the 12 completed apostles (with Paul added) are used by Yhwh to gather, refine, judge, and seal those approved as faithful; the basis for this is founded upon Yhwh guidance. His decisions are the ones carried out through the others.
(Some of the basis of His judgment, is in the answer to your first question.)
I am giving you my present limited understanding...it is not yet confirmed by spirit and more scripture (for what my opinion is worth--nothing), but according to what I presently see...
There are 12 foundation stone of the Holy City. As such, the 12,000 in each tribe, are set on the foundation of one of them.  Also, there is weighty meaning in that the city has 12 gates, each named with a tribe. This indicates also, that 12,000 go in through each gate. Each gate is also associated with one of the 12 apostles.
This makes clear (to me) that in order to get into the City, one must go through a gate...the gate of your own tribe, and of your own tribe's apostolic father. How will this be done? Jesus said...that these 12 would "judge the tribes" (Matt.19:28; Rev.7:4). Would not that judging symbolically occur at the entry where these fathers sit above their own gate?(Deut.16:18,19,20; 21:19; Isa.28:5,6; 2Sam.15:2,6; 19:8; 1Kings 22:10; Joshua 20:4)
One would not get into the city, without going through a "gate". Over each one, sits an apostle (Rev.21:12).

Notice Rev.22:14,15...
 14 Happy are those who wash their robes, that the authority [to go] to the trees of life may be theirs and that they may gain entrance into the city by its gates. 15 Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie.’

Those gates are NOT literal. We know the city is just an illustration for living stones, actual spirit persons, the anointed (1Pet.2:5). So, to "gain entrance into the city by it's gates", shows that all anointed have to go through inspection, by each "gate". 
This is confirmed, when we see that those not deemed as fit, don't get in through a "gate". 
(Those are the anointed who are found unfaithful and unfit.) They are kept out by the discernment and inspection of the 12. These decide (based on Yhwh's righteousness) who gets in to become part of the city...a living stone in God's temple (which he will inhabit by spirit)....the long awaited reality, which the earthly temple only foreshadowed.
The fact that not all get in (verse15) shows that there is a decisive judgement, in order to go through the "gates".

We know that anointed ones have lived throughout a long period of time. In our own physical thinking, we assume that the 12 would need to be alive and conscious in order to judge these ones during their lifetime. This may be true.
But we should not limit what Yhwh can do according to physical constraints that we find natural for us, and make assumption.

You see, it is also possible that Yhwh can present the record each anointed one established by the time they died...from His own memory; and put those records before the apostles at a later time, for them to judge each one, just prior to the first general resurrection. We don't know.... I don't yet know. All we can go by are the scriptures. They will all be fulfilled. Our confusion only results from our own limited insight...not from the scriptures.
When I am given more scriptures about this (I know they are all already written in the Bible), and when I am shown how they apply, and explain the rest of the picture, I will be happy to update you.

You may wish to consider that the end will come when all 144000 are sealed (Rev.6:11; 12:10,11; Rom.8:19). To read more about that aspect of the timing of the end, you can consider this link:
"What is God Waiting For?"

I am so glad to hear that you are receiving some help from the articles. They are not sourced with me, but are a grace that comes from the Father, who cares for us all.

My health is doing somewhat better recently. I am trying to pour that renewed strength into the work. I have encouragement and joy that I have been able to be more active at "4woman". Still...it is not enough, as there are so many things left to accomplish. We all must rely on Yhwh.

Thank you for writing me Xxxx. You are a joy and comfort to me.

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